
HP’s CEO: Help now, plan for the future

A call to action and innovation for companies, employees, and business leaders as we face the global COVID-19 crisis.

By Enrique Lores, President & CEO, HP Inc. — May 8, 2020

I know these are difficult and uncertain times. And even as each of us is doing everything we can to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and healthy, my thoughts are with all of those who are putting themselves at risk to care for the ill and support those most vulnerable among us. 

This is especially meaningful to me because my sister and my youngest brother are both medical doctors working around the clock at their hospital in Spain, away from their families and risking their health, to care for patients in the midst of this global pandemic. 

Healthcare workers on the frontlines, as well as all of us at home, must come together to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 around the globe while adjusting to drastic changes in the way we live and work. The wellbeing of HP’s community has always been our number one priority, and over the past few weeks, we have taken swift measures to keep our employees and their families safe. This includes mandating that anyone who can work from home do so, as well as canceling all in-person meetings and non-essential travel until further notice. 

At the same time, we recognize this environment has created an increased need for technology. Now more than ever, our customers are depending on us to continue providing them with the exceptional products and services they expect from HP. We will not let them down. We are working across our supply chain and customer support teams to deliver for them. We must give a special mention to our customer support teams who are working to help our customers in this difficult situation.

As we work tirelessly to deliver for our customers, HP is committed to ensuring our team members get the support they need. All hourly employees and the hourly contractors who service our sites will receive their planned wages, because no one should worry about how they are going to buy groceries or pay rent in a global pandemic. And I believe it’s incumbent on business leaders everywhere to commit to supporting employees at every level of their organization in the unpredictable weeks and months ahead.

“This crisis requires us to be the best versions of ourselves, summon reserves of hope and strength we may have never known we possessed, and work to overcome this together.”

The role we must all play

But this is a moment that calls on us to do more than care for our own employees, partners, and communities. Each of us has a role to play in combating this pandemic and supporting our society’s response to it. We must do all we can to help healthcare workers around the world who are selflessly fighting to save lives.

Last week, we mobilized our 3D Printing team and HP’s Digital Manufacturing Partner Network to design, validate, and produce essential parts for medical responders and hospitals. These include ventilator valves, breathing filters, and face mask clasps, as well as entirely new parts such as plastic door handle adaptors that enable easy elbow opening to prevent further spread of the virus. And we are also deploying HP BioPrinters and associated supply cassettes, free of charge, to NGOs, government agencies, and pharmaceutical companies to accelerate drug and vaccine research to combat COVID-19. 

This crisis, like few others in our lifetimes, requires us to be the best versions of ourselves, summon reserves of hope and strength we may have never known we possessed, and work to overcome this together. I’ve been inspired by the way other companies across all industries have been stepping up to show leadership during this time — from Microsoft and Google creating online resources tracking the spread of COVID-19, to Audible and Adobe granting free access to their educational materials and learning courses, to Starbucks extending mental health benefits.

A call to action

Actions like these are just the beginning of what’s needed. Companies and business leaders across industries need to step forward and answer a simple question: What will we do differently to not only help people through this crisis, but also create a future that lifts up people and communities around the world? What role can my company play in overcoming today’s obstacles and creating tomorrow’s opportunities?

We all need to answer these questions in our own way, aligned with the mission, values, and capabilities of our own companies – and we need to act now.

I’m proud of the way teams across HP are already stepping forward, donating millions of dollars in technology and support to help students, families, and communities.We are determined to do our part by marshaling our technology and resources to rally communities, save lives, and beat back the challenge of this pandemic.

“It’s incumbent on business leaders everywhere to commit to supporting employees at every level of their organization in the unpredictable weeks and months ahead.”

Faith for the road ahead

We are only at the beginning of what will likely be a long and difficult journey. And as we navigate the coming weeks and months, we must all take steps to stay connected and foster unity in our communities, whether that’s simply picking up the phone to check on loved ones or getting groceries for an older neighbor unable to do so. This is a moment that calls on us to care for one another as members of our larger human family. 

I am confident that if we work together to meet the challenges of this moment, we will emerge stronger and more connected than before. That confidence comes from the incredible people I work with at HP — women and men who have shared with me their thoughts, ideas, and willingness to support in any way they can. And while they have expressed concerns for sick family members or siblings who are newly out of work, each of them has also embodied the spirit of hope and resilience. 

As one employee wrote in an email to me, “I have faith we will get through this together.” 

I share that faith. All of us should. Our society has been through trying times before, and I know we will overcome this challenge so long as we harness the same determination, the same ingenuity, and the same collaborative spirit that has always propelled humanity forward.