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COVID-19 Remote work and Mental Health
Motivated to right they see wrongs around them, these brilliantyoung minds look to help
A look at how teachers and students are rising to the
As the world reimagines education this school year, students are reimagining
How to work remotely
Remote teaching.How can students adapt
The work we work now. How pandemic changes everything
Right a letter to the future you
Here a school photo
Celebrating the power of printed photos to capture, preserve and transform important life moments.
When Latrell was a child, he didn't have much, moving from foster home to foster home with little more than a pile of clothes. When he was 12 years old, he was adopted by Kelly Higgins, and became a part of a large, loving family. But one thing was still missing. A special photograph that said, “Welcome to our family.”
2025 | 6 minutes
5 minutes
2 minutes
“A printed photograph is an object and we make space for it in our life. We put it on the wall or desk and it takes up literal and metaphoric space in our brain and in our heart.” Bill Shapiro, author, What We Keep
Bill Shapiro, author, What We Keep
How the printed school photos in our wallets and on our walls create memories that outshine Instagram filters and Facebook likes.
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HP is preserving the original products and documents that launched the company 80 years ago — one oscillator and type-written letter at a time.
Printed photos are seeing a revival as people seek new ways to connect in a digital world.
A conversation with bestselling author David Sax on why analog is not only still alive, but thriving.